English information
This is the website of Kristuskirken (“Christ Church”). We are located in Viborg in the Middle of Jutland in Denmark.
We are an evangelical church, meaning that we love the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. Only in Christ can sinners be forgiven and restored to fellowship with a holy God. His perfect life, substitutionary death and glorious resurrection is the only hope for sinners. He, the Son of God, calls all men everywhere to repent and trust in him, for he will come again and judge the living and the dead.
We are also a confessional reformed baptist Church. This means that we subscribe to the 1689 confession of faith as a faithful statement of what the Bible teaches.
Some Distinctives:
- We preach the free offer of the gospel to every sinner.
- We teach the doctrines of grace (often summarized in the “five points of Calvinism”).
- We try to worship God in a reverent way and according to what the Bible commands.
- We try to devote our whole lives to God and believe that every believer should work for the Lord.
- We aim to be consecrated to the Lord and separate from false teaching and from worldliness.
- We believe that prayer is very important for us as a church and that God answers our prayers.
Where we meet
Worship service every Sunday even weeks at 16.15 and odd weeks at 10.15.
Bible study every Wednesday at 19.00
Adress: Eksercerpladsen 2, 8800 Viborg.
You are most welcome to join us!